Rehabilitation of atrophic jaws using the All-on-4 Concept

Clinical implications

Due to the simplified surgical protocol associated with high success rates, the All-on-4 Concept (Nobel Biocare AB) represents a viable treatment option for the rehabilitation of the edentulous patient. The concepts principle is applicable in both partial10 and complete edentulous4-6 rehabilitations. In this particular field, the use of tilted implants in areas with high degree of bone resorption allows the connection of a fixed rehabilitation, reducing the cantilever and providing an adequate biomechanical distribution of occlusal forces. The biomechanical advantages provided by the titanium infrastructure combined with the aesthetic outcome of ceramic crowns makes the MaloClinic Ceramic Bridge as an attractive prosthetic option for the definitive prosthetic rehabilitation of complete edentulous patients10.

7. Follow-up orthopantomography.
8. Orthopantomography with the definitive prostheses connected to the abutments.






9. Maxillary intra-oral view of a Malo Clinic Ceramic Bridge for the fixed prosthetic maxillary rehabilitation.
10. Mandibular intra-oral view of a metal-ceramic fixed partial prosthesis for the fixed prosthetic rehabilitation of the 4th quadrant.








12. Intra-oral post-treatment views.







Maló Clinic:


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Rehabilitation of atrophic jaws using the All-on-4 Concept - Ultima modifica: 2013-03-15T15:26:03+00:00 da Redazione